Campaign JULO CPR

  • Web Only
  • Mobile App Only
  • Web & Mobile App
JULO adalah kredit digital Indonesia yang aman & terpercaya karena sudah terdaftar & berizin Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Dengan JULO kredit digital, kamu bisa melakukan berbagai macam transaksi, mulai dari tarik & kirim dana, beli pulsa & pascabayar, bayar listrik PLN, BPJS Kesehatan, & e-commerce dengan paylater.

Action anda di campaign ini terhitung sah apabila :
1. Pengunjung/ visitor berhasil melakukan install dan membuka aplikasi.
2. Pengunjung/ visitor melakukan registrasi

Terms Of Campaign
1. Campaign ini menggunakan Cost per Registration
2. Publisher disarankan memberikan review dan menampilkan banner atau text link yang disiapkan di Ads Type
3. Pengunjung (visitor) harus mengklik banner di web -->install -->daftar--> masukin NIK-->masukin email-->create pin-->setuju 4. Waktu validasi 45 hari.
5. Cookies 30 hari.
6. Daily Cap: 200 Conversion (link akan automatis off jika sudah mencapai daily target)
7. Geo: IndonesiA
8. KPI: CVR install to loan disbursed: above 3%
9. Device: Mobile
10. OS : Android
11. Restriction: NO INCENT, No duplicate data, Publisher dilarang memberikan reward kepada user nya
dan dilarang memposting konten diluar brand

Fraud Rules

1. Wrong Install Country - Installs coming through countries other than Indonesia will be flagged
2. operator carrier must be from Indonesia.
3.Click Injection - Installs that come within 10 seconds or less from the click would be rejected.
4. Click Spamming - Site IDs with less than 14% installs occurring between 10sec and 2 hours of the clicks are flagged and all installs coming from that Site ID would be rejected. (Minimum installs = 50)
5.Fraud incent (Day 2 retention below 4%) Calculated on a site ID basis (Minimum installs = 50).
6. Wrong App Version – Installs coming from an older app version(4 days after the App was updated) won’t be billable.
7. P360 Fraud – Any install which has Post attribution events blocked on P360 will be deducted from the installs and will not be Billable.
8. At month end fraud analysis will be conducted as per the rules and deductions will be made where necessary
As the payout is based on an event, the fraud rules will be applied to the install logs and for any fraudulent installs flagged we will map this to the event (if any) and deduct accordingly

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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